Why aMarketForce for Technical Writing Services?

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Producing clear and high-quality documentation requires specialized tools, as well as writers who understand technical material and can convert it into customer-centric documentation.

aMarketForce offers highly skilled technical writing and content multi-purposing services. With our documentation systems, writers do not need specialized authoring tools to create content. They create content in Microsoft Word templates, which is parsed by our software to deliver the content into various formats at appropriate levels of detail, automatically. Our technology makes it simple to integrate new documentation with existing content and deliver it in appropriate formats to varied audiences. , to streamline the documentation process. Our areas of specialization are Information Technology, Finance and Banking and Marketing Communication.

How can aMarketForce help your technical documentation team?

  • Creating high quality documents in sync with development, avoiding version chaos
  • Shortening the documentation review cycle
  • Reducing repetitive work; repurpose content to meet the needs of various end-users

How can aMarketForce help your engineering team?

  • Saving 30-40% of engineers’ time in creating market quality documents
  • Re-purposing existing documents for various needs, from sales to marketing and tech support
  • Managing content in a repository that can easily propagate changes to downstream content to ensure version consistency

How can aMarketForce help your marketing team?

  • Creating and formatting all your product marketing documents from technical and engineering source materials, including charts, images and text
  • Storing and version-tracking of all your product documents

aMarketForce technical writing and documentation offerings include:

  • Product Documentation
  • Installation Manuals
  • Training materials, including instructor and student content
  • Flash-based content
  • E-books for tablet reading
  • Online Help

To know more about our technical writing services, please email us at info@amarketforce.com.

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