Top 5 SEO Tips of 2013 by aMarketForce

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SEO is evolving daily. Search engines are persistently trying to perk up user experience by improving results relevancy of search queries. With search engines increasingly becoming stringent, it is now more important for companies to carefully audit their SEO activities.


If you are looking to improve SEO efforts for 2013, here are top 5 SEO tips by aMarkerForce:

1. Create relevant, unique and optimized content

Content can be the Achilles’ heel of any SEO strategy that lacks high quality content writers. Search engines are giving more and more importance to relevant and unique web content these days. Quality and unique content not only gives you a good score from search engines, it also attracts more visitors.

2. Explore new traffic sources

You should not depend on only one or two traffic sources for your website. While organic searches from SEs like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. are good, you can increase your scope by opting for paid advertising, referral websites and other sources such as email campaigns.

3. Optimize your videos and images

Visuals are essential to SEO, but be careful how you use them. Search engines so far are not smart enough to decipher meaning from visual medium. You need to update the Metadata for videos and images to make it visible by search engines. Visual medium is generally more appealing than plain text. People are more likely to notice your videos and images instead of reading long text. Visual marketing consequently can give you high SE credit. Last year Pinterest and Instragram revealed the significance of image marketing in the digital marketing space and this year Pinterest is expected to bring a Twitter-like revolution. Video marketing through YouTube and other video sharing sites will continue to play a major role in digital marketing.

4. Diversify your link building strategy

Did the Google Panda update adversely affect your website ranking? Search engines are no longer giving recognition to low quality and spammed back links these days. You need to focus on different link building strategies to avoid getting penalties or low scores from search engines. Many old link building techniques are no more valid and need to be replaced with new ones. Guest blogging, press release distribution, video distribution, PDF distribution, article distribution, etc. are some quality link building strategies.

5. Integrate SEO with social media marketing

Integrating SEO with social media marketing creates a strong digital marketing approach. Search engines lately are considering and giving credit for quality social media content from Twitter, Linkedin, G+ and more. While social marketing gives you a new platform for promotions, it is important to focus on engaging and building relationship with your followers.

aMarketForce is now offering a 2 months Risk Free Trial for SEO Services for $400 only. Register now for a 2 months TRIAL at just $400

For more information about aMarketForce’s digital marketing services and search engine optimization SEO services email us at

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