
July 10, 2014

What is integrated marketing and why do you need it?

Integrated marketing is an holistic approach to marketing that maintains an consistent message in both online and offline marketing. This consistency will ensure that the message that is being given across to customers will be clearly understood leading to increased sales and a better return on investment. Integrated marketing also allows companies to identify the types of marketing that that are the most effective for them. This information can be used to decide how to prioritize the marketing budget.How Does Integrated Marketing Work?
April 2, 2014

Marketing Trends for 2014–Predictions by aMarketForce (B2B Marketing Company)

Every year new tools and technologies shift the yearly marketing strategies to a new direction. In 2013 aMarketForce made few marketing […]
January 13, 2011

Developing an Effective Marcom Strategy – 4 Elements you must know – Part I

In our last blog we had discussed the importance of Developing an Effective Marcom Strategy. This blog will focus on […]
January 5, 2011

Developing an Effective Marcom Strategy

The right marcom strategy positions your business distinctively and gives your sales team the awareness umbrella they need while prospecting. […]
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