Every event needs planning. Without a well scheduled and executed plan – targeted attendee recruitment, error-free registrations, flawless event execution and prompt, detailed follow-up – even the best sales events will be a waste of money and time. In our last blog Successful Event Marketing and Event Recruitment, we had discussed how to develop the target audience. This blog will focus on messaging and event promotion strategy.
Part 2 – Developing The Right Messaging
The key questions here are:
How to develop the right message?
Before you start working on messaging specific to the event, be clear about the goals you want to achieve.
Event messaging should be clear and well communicated to the target audience. The “What’s in it for me” should be very explicit and clear – the compelling reason for your potential and existing customers to attend.
The main points to cover in event promotion messaging are:
What event marketing materials are needed?
Whether it’s a trade show or virtual event, it is important to be prepared before the event. Here are some marketing materials that you will need while any sales events.
Promotion messaging
Incentives based promotions work well in event marketing. Free lunch, free product samples, free service, discounts, coupons are some of the incentives that you can offer in the event messaging to the target audience.
Our next blog will focus on “How to measure event ROI?”
Additional information about event recruitment services and aMarketForce marketing services can be found on www.amarketforce.com.