Steps to Build Targeted B2B Contact Lists

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B2B Contact List Development

When you aim for a target, it is important to focus on it first. Without that, there are high chances of missing the Bull’s Eye.

Similarly, to get the maximum output from your business, it is essential to know who to target. Who are your prospects?

Whether you launch a new product or host a web meeting to introduce the exciting offers; it is essential to have a TARGETED & ACCURATE B2B contact list.

Now, you know the importance of a B2B contact list. But how to get it right? Well, there are several ways.

People find buying or renting a list the most efficient and fast solution. However, they overlook its shortcomings.

First, the source of the list has to be reliable and legitimate. If you can find a reliable list vendor, then you can have trust on the list. Still, there is a possibility of some contacts getting obsolete. Some may be present in the contact list of your competitor.

Studies say that a B2B contact list decays at a higher rate. Almost every fifth contact gets obsolete every year.


Hence, building your own targeted B2B contact list is a workable and efficient solution. It always yields better results than buying a readymade list from some vendor.

Here is a simple, five-step guide for building your own B2B contact list.

There are some other sources also. You can find B2B contact lists from blogs, user groups, press releases, and forums, etc.

You need to Enter the name, company details, email address, contact numbers, website URL, and so on. Indeed, the process is error-prone. Hence, be careful while entering the data. Make a process of validation stringent so that no faulty record gets added to the database.

You have to use many Internet research skills to get the information.

Verify the details after appending them into the database. Use a good-quality email verification service or tool for that. For contact mobile numbers or landline numbers, you can choose the path of physically calling each number.

Make sure the incorrect or obsolete email and mobile numbers get deleted from the contact list.

Experts say that prospecting is all about building connections. Since you know who the decision-makers are by now, things become pretty simple. Try connecting with the key people and start reaping the benefits.

You need to think and find out new and innovative ways of starting a conversation and building a rapport. You need to touch upon the important points that convert a prospective lead into a permanent customer. Based on the response of each lead, you can easily segment the prospect list further.

A lead from where you got a cold response should be tried once more. If the result is the same, then strike out the lead from the list. A lead from where you get an aggregable response should be added to the prospects list. Now efforts are required to further compel the lead so that you get a permanent customer.

It requires a systematic, step-by-step process to build a contact list. This vital element should be taken sincerely and methodically. There cannot be an afterthought about connecting with the target audience. You have to do it to arrive at a conclusion whether your prospect list is worth the time and effort or not.

Once you are through with building the list, spend time to connect to the customers and target prospects. It gives an edge over your competitors.

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