Prospect List Development

An accurate business contact list becomes a critical component in effective sales cycles. Without an accurate list of prospects, sales efforts become cumbersome, laborious, and inefficient. Good lists precede a sales team’s maximum prospecting efficiency, while bad lists waste time and frustrate sales people. An accurate list of prospects becomes a critical component in effective sales cycles.

How can your business know if its lists are clean enough to target key prospects?

The aMarketForce Prospect Database Development service ensures clients a ready-to-use custom lead list of pre-qualified, validated prospects to provide their sales force. Along with a list of validated contacts, aMarketForce provides detailed contact information to target decision makers and even generates strong B2B leads.

aMarketForce’s team of skilled personnel saves your business the laborious task of researching target companies and compiling contact information of key decision-makers. aMarketForce finds the right people at the right companies, and ensures higher hit ratios, as opposed to scrambling through blind lists, which are notorious for low response rates.

First, the aMarketForce team studies the client’s target market and develops a lead list of relevant companies. Then, our agents scour online databases, industry organizations, and other business list sources to develop the database with pertinent companies. aMarketForce agents work directly with clients to finalize the database of targeted prospects by identifying target decision makers, to retrieve detailed contact information including: company name, contact name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

Specialized aMarketForce List Development Options:

Prequalified Lists:

aMarketForce builds a customized list based on the filters defined like region, industry, employee size, revenue, etc. and then these prospects are further called and qualified based on a qualifying question.

Opt-In Lists:

aMarketForce offers distinctive tele-verified Opt-In lists where our dedicated calling team calls individual target prospect(s) and ask if they are interested in receiving marketing material from the end client.

Installed Base Lists:

Also referred as Technology Lists; aMarketForce provides customized contact lists with verified software/technology information for specific accounts.

Contact us to learn more about our B2B Inside Sales services and the other ways we can support your sales and marketing teams. Request a Quote for B2B Inside Sales and integrated marketing services.

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