Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make During Syndicating White Papers to Prospects

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Sometimes we never care about small mistakes we are making during whitepaper syndication, but these mistakes can affect much more when it comes to target leads. These mistakes should be avoided to improve your sales leads through whitepaper syndication. Below mentioned are some of the mistakes you don’t want to make during whitepaper syndication.

Mistakes You Don’t Want to make during syndicating white papers to prospects:

Marketers will offer a white paper (bait) but the registration form is instead a call-to-action for a “no obligation assessment.” It should be obvious – bait-and-switch tactics will instantly lose your prospects’ trust in your company.

Every question you add to a registration form decreases downloads. Whenever possible, condense questions.

Question #1: “Are you planning a business intelligence initiative?”
Question #2: “In what timeframe?”

“In what timeframe are you planning a business intelligence initiative?

This is a huge no-no. Don’t ask prospects if someone can contact them regarding an appointment or to learn more about your company. Trust us, they don’t want to see you.

If you’re using a syndication site, you know where your leads are coming from, so it’s pretty dumb to ask, “How did you hear about us?”

Unless you’re a mega-huge software company with an upcoming release, don’t use your brand name in your white paper title. According to our research, unknown company names in titles suppress response – a lot.

A white paper without a brand name in the title will get 1,000 or more downloads while its branded cousin gets maybe a dozen.

Prospects aren’t ready to buy on your promotional schedule based on when you happen to pop out a new white paper. Instead, they’re ready to buy, well, when they’re ready to buy. At that time they’ll go on an educational white paper binge, searching archives on many Web sites – especially handy news sites with extensive archives from multiple vendors.

The key here is “archive.” It pays to:
– Archive your white papers on your site and syndication sites.
– Keep your paper “evergreen” by refreshing content on a regular basis.

You will also like to read: How to Get Quality Leads through Whitepaper Syndication?

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