Before we deep dive into the details of content syndication and understand which industry reaps the best benefit out of it, let’s understand where the term comes from? It is associated with the broadcasting and television industry. It means that one a show or broadcast is greatly successful, it is possible to generate the income by licensing the rights to other networks. Thus, it can become profitable because of the broad appeal.
When we apply the same concept to content syndication, then it means that we can extend the life and circulation of content by allowing other publications to make use of it. Thus, other websites publish the content on their websites. Contrary to the conventional syndication in the broadcasting or television, in content syndication the writer gets credit for the work and the back links refer to the source. Thus, the source gets visibility benefit due to huge exposure of the content.
Well, any expert will agree that publicity is the key to success. The more people know about you, higher are the benefits. Whether you are a freelance writer or writing for a company, your objective is to pursue a right publication so that they get the benefit of the valuable content written by you. Also, you get benefited in the long run. Don’t think that you are only burning your midnight oil in developing meaningful content and they are doing just copy-paste business. Content syndication is a win-win situation for all stakeholders.
As a writer, you want to extend the shelf life of your content. Though guest blogging is a good way of achieving additional visibility, it needs a substantial investment of time. Since it takes a lot of efforts to generate superior quality content continuously, it is always beneficial to reach a different audience by using content syndication. You share the same content repeatedly without the need of reinventing the wheel.
In this situation, content syndication is a great way of achieving phenomenal visibility. Yu receive the most of the benefits of content marketing.
Whether you are a hi-tech company, media house or publication company, syndication is always good for you. When you shift the majority of online content distribution to syndication, it is possible for your creative team to spend more time in producing high-quality content. Yes, they get relieved from the pressing need of extremely good quality content on a daily basis. Still, you ream the benefits of the good work done in the past.
Since your content receives better mileage and the writers get enough time to think and write; the quality becomes more and more superior gradually. When the quality gets enhanced, there are better chances of achieving great syndication arrangements later. Thus, it is a double bonanza. Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a month from today when you have so many articles floating around the virtual world with the best back links to your website. Exciting, isn’t it? And that also without putting efforts into producing high-quality content again and again! Don’t you think it will give a great thrust to the SEO ranking? Experts say that syndication is the smart way of boosting website ranking without the need of downgrading the content quality. Apart from publishing the content, it makes possible to promote it at several social platforms, along with social media.
As you read every word of this article, you will be amazed to see the incredible powers of syndication. Yes, it is certainly a superior way of reaping big benefits. When you make use of it, you explore the unique strength of popularizing your content so that online reputation goes to the next level. It may take some time to feel the impact of it. Hence, one should be patient and vigilant. Looking at syndication as well-planned, a long-term content strategy is more appropriate.
Many people think that it is a cumbersome and tough task to achieve success through syndication. To your surprise, it isn’t that tough actually. Yes, it needs consistency and timely efforts. First of all, you must have good-quality content which is meaningful, relevant and based on factual information. Readers should get benefited by it. Start with publishing your own content. Maybe you can start a personal blog where you write regularly and carry out syndication for it at a fairly regular frequency.
Remember, consistent blogging not only shows the quality of your work repeatedly to the readers, but it also enhances and sharpens your skills as a writer. When people know that you are a writer with exceptional writing skills who can produce engaging, informative content, they wait for the new post. Once you achieve the first milestone of grabbing the attention of readers, now it is the time to reach next level.
Start guest blogging about the current trends, hot topics, and buzzword. You are supposed to pitch publications and blogs that are considered an authority in the niche. The more in-depth your analysis is, the higher is the impact. When you have several guest blogs grabbing the attention of readers (and pointing back to your own website or blog) will increase the visibility. It results in grabbing few more editors.
Even if very few people use the syndicated piece written by you, there is a great benefit if the publication link is superbly trafficked. When you want to enhance online footprint of your website, use it up to the best extent.
When you want to enhance the benefits further, the best thing is to include links that point back to other links that are relevant to your content.
However, the article ends with a word of caution after explaining the benefits of it. You must ensure that Google shouldn’t consider your content as spam as too many links divert the traffic to your website. Excess linking may be penalized by Google, hampering the website ranking badly. Hence, keep a close watch on it.