Feast on Special Thanksgiving Tips for Content Marketing

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Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving. This Thanksgiving, aMarketForce is giving away some special tips for content marketing strategy. So, next time when you plan your content marketing campaign, plan it like you prepare your thanksgiving feast.

Tips for content marketingTip 1.  Meat of your strategy – “Turkey” – Create (Roast) your biggest content pieces with lot of patience and time. Once ready, it can be easily divided and repurposed into smaller chunks. Example: eBooks, Reports

content marketing tipsTip 2. Dig for old (stuffs) decks that you can put on Slideshare, then embed them on your blog. Jam-pack those blogs with statistics, images and charts.

content marketing tipsTip 3. Like your cranberry sauce, create enough but visually appealing and flavourful (sweet and sour) social media content.

Tip 4. This healthy and creamy side dThanksgiving - content marketing tipsish can be a creative thought leadership blog post. Packed with valuable information such posts will high-light your management’s point of view.

Tip 5. You need a starchy side dish in your content marketing strategy that is filling a
nd goes with every other content marketing approach. ExampleThanksgiving: Webinars – You can host simple informative webinars to complement your newly produced report, eBook or whitepaper.

Tip 6. Your dessert like content should be indulging and entertaining. Fun videos or infographics can do the trick.Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving dinners take 18 hours to prepare. They are consumed in 12 minutes. Halftimes take 12 minutes. This is not coincidence.”

For more content marketing tips visit www.amarketforce.com

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