Answers to all your B2B Lead Generation Questions

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aMarketForce tries to answer all your questions around B2B demand generation and lead generation.

1. How to build an accurate B2B prospect list?
Creating and growing prospect list is one of the key responsibilities of a marketing team. In our past blog Some Best Practices to Grow B2B Prospect Lists, we had discussed different methods for generating quality prospect list. To generate an accurate B2B prospect list, you need to clearly define your target market and prospect. List development can be done in-house, outsourced to B2B list vendor who can build you a custom prospect list or you can directly buy a large business email list for your campaigns.

2. How to get most out of your in-house prospect database?
The only way to get best out of your in-house prospect database is by keeping it updated. Regular database validation and scrubbing can help you in keeping your in-house database most current. Segmented database can be very effective for targeted lead generation campaigns.

3. How to use content for demand generation?
Content marketing is an important aspect of demand generation. Content should be in line with your lead generation campaigns with crisp messaging for your prospects, optimized signals for search engines and clear call-to-actions. Some of the channels for B2B content marketing and lead gen are social networks, blogs, email campaigns, articles and content sharing sites.

4. What all methods are generally effective for B2B lead generation?
Email campaigns, nurturing campaigns, warm tele-calling, SEO and other digital marketing methods, event marketing and client referrals are some of the most effective methods of B2B lead generation.

5. How to design effective landing page for your B2B lead gen campaigns?
Landing page should have effective messaging matching the campaign need, simple design, clear call-to-action, and less required form fields. Make sure to A/B test the landing page before launching the campaign.

6. How to qualify B2B leads?
Lead qualification is very important in order to convert your cold leads/inquiries into sales-ready leads. No lead generation program can be successful without lead qualification. Some of the significant criteria for lead qualification are:

  • Customer needs /pain points and product/service fit
  • Budget
  • Opportunity size
  • Lead’s purchasing role
  • Purchase timeframe

7. How can lead nurturing and scoring help in lead gen?
A well defined lead scoring and nurturing program helps in classifying and prioritizing sales-ready leads, establishing strong rapport with cold and warm prospects and shortening the overall sales cycle. Nurturing programs can even help you in fostering disqualified marketing leads.

8. How to manage disqualified and dead leads?
You shouldn’t ever throw away disqualified leads. A disqualified lead is not a dead lead. Make sure to mark all your disqualified leads distinctly in your lead management tool. Most of the disqualified leads can be followed up after a few months gap. Also, keeping a database of dead leads saves you from going after wrong targets in future.

9. How to set goals for your B2B lead generation programs?
It is imperative that you set goals for your B2B lead generation campaigns in order to track results and gauge performance. Monthly/quarterly/yearly targets should be set for qualified leads and inquiries which should be in line with your sales targets. It is important to consider the lead conversion ratio and the length of your sales cycle. Based on set goals you should advance and select proper methods for B2B lead generation. At last, all the marketing and inside sales expense should be tracked against set ROI goals.

10. How to hire a lead generation vendor?
Our recent blog posts Questions to ask while hiring a B2B lead generation vendor and How to work with a B2B lead generation vendor to generate quality leads while ensuring marketing & sales work in sync covers this question in depth.

For more information about aMarketForce B2B lead generation services email us at

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