Account-based marketing (ABM) is an alternative B2B strategy that focuses sales and marketing resources on a clearly defined set of target accounts within a specific vertical and employs personalized campaigns designed to resonate with each account. An organization takes an individual prospect or customer account – these are companies, not individual people – and treats it like its very own market.
aMarketForce offers a distinctive and highly targeted B2B Account Profiling service to companies across all major verticals. aMarketForce’s committed and skilled team members handle the critical yet laborious work of profiling the list of companies based on the defined parameters.
Our Process:
- Identify high value target companies. Account filters may include – region, industry, employee size, revenue, specific software users, etc.
- Determine who the decision makers and influencers are at the named account.
- To provide a complete list of targeted accounts that is ready to use for your email campaigns or any other sales/marketing efforts; aMarketForce’s team of dedicated research executives can further develop a list of contacts/prospects for these accounts along with their business email ids & phone numbers so that you in-house sales/marketing bandwidth is not wasted in this laborious work.
Benefits of ABM:
- Personalized marketing approach
- Sales & Marketing teams are well aligned
- Shorter sales cycle
- Clear ROI
Contact us to learn more about our B2B Account Based Marketing services and the other ways we can support your sales and marketing teams. Request a Quote for Account Based Marketing and Demand Generation services.